Cherokee Lions Club

Safety Newsletter

Vol. 3-2002 - 8 October 2002

Incident Reports: Things our members observed

Road Incident- Near Miss - I was traveling East on 72 past "Uncle Joes Truck Stop" in the right lane when a truck pulled into the left lane. A car traveling beside me had to dodge my way to miss the truck and forced me off the road. If I had not been watching he would have hit me. Anticipate!

Yard Incident- Dangerous Situation - While walking in the yard I saw a huge limb break off an oak tree and fall to the ground. It was rotten but still weighed several hundred pounds and would have killed anyone under it. It fell in calm weather with no wind but it was the day after a rain and it was water logged and heavy. I now keep an eye out for dead limbs and try to throw a rope over them and break them off while I can clear the way beneath them.

Home Incident- Near Miss - I was washing dishes and grabbed 3 sharp knives to move them from the stove to the sink. One slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor, point first, just missing my foot. I was working to fast and I was barefooted.

Safety Discussion:

Seasonal Reminder - Deer season will be here soon. Even if you do not plan to hunt, it is a good idea to keep a "Hunter's Orange" vest or hat with you. Wear it if you take a walk in the woods or anywhere someone might be hunting. Think about kids and grand kids as well.

Jimmy McWilliams reports information from a Discover magazine article: Pg 28 Nov. 2000 (Paraphrased) Grace Wyshak, Harvard biologist has found that girls who consume excess amounts of cola carbonated beverages have five times as many fractured bones as girls who are more moderate in consumption of colas. She believes that phosphoric acid in the drinks replaces the calcium and other vital ingredients found in more natural drinks. She also finds evidence of a long-term problems continuing throughout life. She also believes that cola swigging boys are in danger.

"Moderation in all things, except perhaps in moderation"

All past safety newsletters are now available to anyone with access to the internet. Just log-on and set your Internet Explorer to the address: and read past issues of this letter. If you do not have access at home or need help, try checking it out on the computer in the Cherokee Library.

Participate in our Safety Program: Remember - If you did not turn in an incident report, you deprived other members of an opportunity to learn from your observations and experiences. If you were not watching for incidents, you missed the opportunity to learn from a near miss or unsafe practice. Just watching for "accidents waiting to happen" will make you a safer person.

Be the hero in Cherokee and help save someone's life.

Give your incident report to David or Jona at the next meeting or e.mail to or call 370-7910 and leave the message you would like to see appear in the next newsletter. Just make a short description of some incident you see like the ones at the beginning of this newsletter.

Safety Index